Monday, May 10, 2010

Flat Tires

Can I just say flat tires suck? That is how I spent this morning, helping my mom fix a flat tire in Home Depot's Parking lot. I must admit it was a funny sight to see two women who have no clue how to change a tire trying to change a tire. We had two men stop by and ask if we needed help which was nice but my dad was on the way. So as we were waiting for my dad I hear the lady from Sam's gas station telling somebody that My mom was having a fit trying to get the flat tire off. It was funny how everyone in the world knew we had a flat tire. My friends that rode the bus even saw me and mom at Home Depot...yeah good times. I just love how my mom knows me too. WE were sitting by the car and she said, " you're going to blog about this aren't you?" She totally read my mind because I was just hiking about what to say. To make along story short- dad got there, mom took his car to get me to school, and her car was fixed. This morning was just full of stress and one guy that stopped said the day had to get does, doesn't it?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My favorite Cartoon

Well I don't watch cartoons anymore since all the good one's got cancelled. My favorite cartoons had to be Pinky and the Brain, the Animaniacs, and Scooby Doo. I also loved Sabrina the Teenage Witch even though it wasn't a cartoon. I would remember me and Josh actually enjoying our time watching TV since we both loved these cartoons. It was probably mom's only time of peace during the day. I was just thinking about cartoons the other day when a girl on my bus yelled "NARF!" which was Pinky's catch phrase from Pinky and the Brain. I was just thinking, but what happened to all the great shows. Now they are all totally educational which brings down the fun level. I mean it's not a bad thing but coming home from school I used to want to watch fun cartoons not boring ones. Just saying. Now a days they are stupid and have bad animation. I just want the old days and cartoons back!

The Garbage Man

I think the garbage man is madly in love with my mom. Weird, right!? I know driving a garbage truck all day and picking up people's trash must be extremely boring but he doesn't have to spend an hour every Tuesday talking to my mom. It's so weird though. He only talks to my mom when my dad isn't there....hmm. Gets ya thinking right? My poor mom. She makes up so many excuses not to talk to him but he doesn't know when to shut up. Oh and yesterday Dad was working and the garbage man came up and rang our door bell just to talk to mom! He made up an excuse that he was on her side of the road while she was coming home. My mom said it was fine goodbye but she got stuck half in half out our front door while i sat and watched TV. I watched 2 episodes of the office before I went and "saved" her by telling her I needed her help with something. She was relieved but definitely mad at me I didn't save her sooner. The sad thing is the garbage man is married....yeah.

Well my mom says she is hiding in our bathroom next time she hears the garbage truck pulling up the driveway. I feel sorry for her but I can't help but laugh.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Ok, so this is becoming my new favorite show. Earlier in the school year this girl brought it in for us to watch while Mrs. Elliott was gone. I loved it and couldn't wait to watch it more. So I went and watched more episodes online. I have no clue why I like it so much because it's totally stupid but hey it makes me laugh. Oh and their singing is amazing. Like I was listening to some songs sung by them and my mom even agreed and said that the cast sang it better than the original singer. So every Tuesday evening at 8:00 p.m. I tune in and watch my new favorite show. I'm now a Gleek!
: )


Well, of course my family and friends inspire me, but I feel like they are all I blog about. So I'm going to change the question to what inspires me.

A lot of things inspire me but they all come back to only two things really, and they are nature and music.

Nature inspiring me could include the birds singing, the crickets chirping, watching the sun rise or set, or just looking up at the clouds in the sky. It's just so mesmerizing to look around at God's creation and it puzzles me greatly how everything looks so beautiful. That beauty is what inspires me.

And then there's music. I think music inspires everyone. Any type of music can inspire me. If someone asks me what my favorite music is I can say I personal don't have a favorite. I love all types of music, except for rap. Rap makes my head hurt because I have to strain my brain to try and figure out what they are saying. Lol

And that's what inspires me.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


On Tuesday morning, I went outside to feed my 3 dogs. Only 2 greeted me at the door. Rocky and Chipper were so excited/antsy, which was weird since they usually don't get up half the time. Another weird thing was Jezzy, my dog, was not there. She is ALWAYS there when I open up the door, begging to get a chance to come inside. Well, Jezzy is an adventurous dog who loves water, so me and mom thought she might be out on an adventure(in "mom" speak that means she went into our woods) or in the neighbor's pond which she loves to swim in. Anyways, I went on with my morning routine. When I left the house she still wasn't there, and now I was beginning to worry. When I pulled out of the driveway I checked the road for any sign of a dog .(Previously I had a young dog about JEzzy's age who was killed on the road so that's where I tend to check first if I haven't seen one of my dog's) Well, I didn't see anything but I still went on to school. The whole day I couldn't concentrate at school and to make matters worse I had to ride the bus home and everybody in the world was on. when I finally got home, my dad was sitting on the porch, and I noticed Jezzy's head sticking out of the doghouse which is on the font porch as well. A sigh of relief escaped from me. When I got up to the porch, dad was like, "Do you see your dog? She's ok but I think she got hit by a car today...scratch that she did get hit by a car today. Mom called me and was talking about how she wasn't here so when I got home from work I went looking for her. I went all around our house, checked the road, went around Ms. Betty's house calling for her and couldn't find her. I then went to the back of the farm and still couldn't find her. When I got back home, I saw her in Ms. Betty's yard, so I went and carried her back home. Her back leg has about a 5 inch long gash which I put peroxide on but nothing else is broken. (dad was going to be a vet when he was in high school so he did this intern thing so I trust him with all this stuff) She will be sore but she'll be ok." I went over to the doghouse and these big, brown, sad-looking, eyes looked up at me. I heard her tail slowly thump against the side of the doghouse. I gently stroked her head and ears and talked to her.(yeah, I know I'm weird but I don't care) She can do this three legged walk but she is progressively getting better. Hopefully in the next few weeks she will be back to normal but as I was going to school this morning I saw a teenage boy I knew kneeling with this family and a dog. Either he hit the dog or he saw the dog get hit but it was just sad to think my dog was hit on the road just like that dog but thankfully she will be alright.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cupcakes, Blogs, and Family

Well there are a lot of nice things that people has done for me. Recently, my friend Yvonne surprised me with cupcakes on my birthday. No one has ever done something like that before. I am so blessed to have good friends. Also when I logged onto blogger today I saw that my friend Ashley had made a blog about me. Now, I've been mentioned in a blog but there's never been a blog just dedicated to me! I feel so special. But I guess one of the nicest things that anyone has ever done for me was when God gave me a great family. I am blessed to have great friends, but I'm uber blessed to have a family such as mine. Even though, they are weird and sometimes stupid, I know they love me and would do anything for me and vice-versa.